Autor: Theeagle Thema: 4S2 Finland  (Gelesen 11486 mal)

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Offline Theeagle

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Re: 4S2 Finland
« Antwort #20 am: 20.08.2016, 11:18:30 »
Hello Theeagle,
How do you engage the differrential lock, by foot on the right side or whit a long handle on the right side of your right leg?
Regards, Michael.

By foot. Why are you asking? :)

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Re: 4S2 Finland
« Antwort #21 am: 20.08.2016, 12:45:51 »
Habe eben mit einen alten MAN Fahrer teleforniert,der bei Firma Grube war/ist,sie hatten ja viele S Tüpen
Zu der Kotflügelbreite meinte er,die 11-38 und die 13-30er Bereifung hatten die schmalen Kotflügel (44cm) ,
und die 15-30 hatten die breiten Kotflügel (50cm) .
Überprüft es bitte selber,die Bereifung ist ja in Brief eingetragen  ;) .
                                               Gruß Jens

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Re: 4S2 Finland
« Antwort #22 am: 20.08.2016, 13:04:33 »
Because there were 2 types differentials/ rearaxles.
You have the 20/18-2 gearbox/rearaxle.
But there was also the heavier 20/28 rearaxle.
I asked this because i wanted to know which version
is in your tractor.
Ask the old tractor driver in the picture above which suspension your tractor has had on the frontaxle, was it a leafspring or a massive construction.
Are there perhaps more pictures of the tractor in his early days.
Kindly regards, Michael.

Offline Theeagle

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Re: 4S2 Finland
« Antwort #23 am: 20.08.2016, 13:31:18 »
Because there were 2 types differentials/ rearaxles.
You have the 20/18-2 gearbox/rearaxle.
But there was also the heavier 20/28 rearaxle.
I asked this because i wanted to know which version
is in your tractor.
Ask the old tractor driver in the picture above which suspension your tractor has had on the frontaxle, was it a leafspring or a massive construction.
Are there perhaps more pictures of the tractor in his early days.
Kindly regards, Michael.

OK! Interesting information! The original frontsuspension is gone...but I believe it was leafspring type...I just bought another
donor tractor, where the the suspension is intact, so that problem is solved...

I am still hunting for more old pictures... the original owners wife is still around, and I have been told that there are some pictures in the family album :o

There has been only 3 owners before me...the first one passed away 1965, and I have talked to the two others, so I do have a pretty good grip on the tractors history...

The picture belove is from when I picked up the donor tractor a couple of weeks wife is pretty "amused" when we did drive more than 2000km roundtrip to pick it up 8)

Offline Drys

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Re: 4S2 Finland
« Antwort #24 am: 20.08.2016, 16:34:43 »
Good luck with your restoration,it's always nice when one of these tractors ends up in the right hands!

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Re: 4S2 Finland
« Antwort #25 am: 20.08.2016, 16:50:43 »
Hello Theeagle,
be glad that your wife is amused.
You really have a big job ahead of you.

Good luck!!


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Re: 4S2 Finland
« Antwort #26 am: 20.08.2016, 18:58:17 »
Moin eck hiäf woll es denkt wenne Platt
küren kannz kannze allet, dat es doch
nu nich so !
So kann ink glob eck keener helpen !

Offline hobbyman

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Re: 4S2 Finland
« Antwort #27 am: 20.08.2016, 22:23:52 »
Good evening,
This is the one from Sweden?
The original dataplate is still attached when i look right.
It must have been outside for quite a few years.
Are all the missing parts gone?
Tell your wife you did a good job and greetings from Holland.

Offline Theeagle

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Re: 4S2 Finland
« Antwort #28 am: 20.08.2016, 23:01:06 »
Good evening,
This is the one from Sweden?
The original dataplate is still attached when i look right.
It must have been outside for quite a few years.
Are all the missing parts gone?
Tell your wife you did a good job and greetings from Holland.

Yes, I picked up this one in the south of Sweden...and most of the missing parts are gone, so I will use this one for parts to my other one...

I have no idea how long he has been sitting outside...maybe 30years or more...

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Re: 4S2 Finland
« Antwort #29 am: 21.08.2016, 20:08:39 »

Your 4s2 for parts seems to be quite complete, except for the engine and fenders? It could be a good base for magne's 6 cylinder dream, without having to sacrifice a good 4cyl 4s2.  8)


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Offline Theeagle

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Re: 4S2 Finland
« Antwort #30 am: 25.08.2016, 20:07:10 »
I had theese books in the mail today...thanks to

Offline Theeagle

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Re: 4S2 Finland
« Antwort #31 am: 29.09.2016, 20:07:51 »
I had to bring the partsdonor inside for stripping off parts before winter comes... unfortunately I found a crack in the bottom of the rearendhousing...I think it mast have been water inside and then frozen... guess I have to get it welded...